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This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 13; the thirteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

If I knew its goodbye,
I wish I could have been there to share last moments
I'm sure you would have lots to share
So I couldn't let this one go away.

For Sure there will be a day tommorow
for the making of an oversight,
will pray to god we get a second chance
to make everything right.

There will be another day
to pour my heart out  and say the deed,
deep core inside my heart ,
I missed you day and nyt
I feel you in the dreams I dream ,
the breath I take ,
you seemed to have been infused all over me

But if I didn't get a chance,
and today is all I have in store from god side your-way,
Then I’d like to say how much I love you
and I hope you remember the days and moments ,
from the lil fights to ; gettinfg  catty.

Whats in store , the surprise  for tomorrow no one knows
so today let be our chance to hold onto it ,
and get bathed into the memories of the past
and the present moment
 And today may be  the last chance
 You get to hold your loved one tight. 
Don't hold on for tomorrow ,
its very unpredictable , so why not today.

If the glad day(tomorrow) never comes
we might get ourself in a state of disbelife and regret,
that we couldn't take that extra step and effort
for a smile, a warm hug, or a gentle kiss,
you might be busy for sure ,
but what if this turned out one last Wish.

I will always hold onto it,
So my friend take your time ,
come-out of what you going through,
I wish i could know the reason , but thats the exception..
keeping the finger crossed , to see you back as before.

I'm may have been rude at times ,
but thata were never the intentions,
sometimes things go the other way.
I’m sorry,I hurt you at times
Please forgive me,
Thank you, or It’s okay.
whatever your take , just say it, Coz i'm holding onto it.

And if the day never comes ,
don't ever regret.
you may have some better things waiting to be explored.
I still the feels the way It was before.
It only has increased and will keep on , and will never cease.

Thanks for being such a gr8 friend.
Will be gud to see you again.
Just passing onto you a smile.. :-),
hold onto it forever.
whenever you feel bad ,
just look into mirror and smile ,
remember the best moments ,
will surely give you something to think ,
that life is not that bad as we percieve it to be ,
its as beautiful as we feel from inside.
But Now I am left with a word goodbye.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


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