First blogger interview

Hi Friends , hope you are having a great weekend. Today I was looking over my blog to read some of my own writing in between them I found I missed something , yes this interview which I forgot to post over here.
One of my fellow blogger Mehreen took my below interview for (Friends Meetup Party) where she selected my post Thank you ! as "Super Blogger of the Week".

1) Hi Vivek! I'm intrigued by your blog title, "Friend's Kitchen". What does it mean to you?
Well blogging and this very title happened to me by chance,  its my friend who helped me choosing this title and introduced me to blogging world.
Friends Kitchen means a lot to me ,  a space for friends to share and express and ask if they have any queries( from Information Technology perspective or other area) ,its always been a pleasant experience so far in resolving some of the friends queries , its simply like a kitchen where we put our thoughts to make brilliant dishes and acquire different perspective and practice to make ourself better in life's progression. After all life itself is a practice to enhance our inner- self for the better future.

2) What makes your blog different from the rest and what do you enjoy most about blogging?
Frankly speaking, I never write with a thought to make my blog look different, I think what one write 1st should sound good with self then others will also like it, so I  just try to write whatever thoughts keep coming to my mind  and whenever alone or sad I look back to them to relive those moments again. 
On the reactions I get from friends, 1st the title itself people often ask me about  , why such name Friends Kitchen? Secondly I think my experimentation with blog design quite often.

The most important thing I love about blogging is the freedom of expression, and this make me came across some of the wonderful blogger and the inspiration they give me is amazing. 

3) That sure is amazing! Where do you find inspiration for your posts?
Well inspiration of my post comes from my life experience, nature, friends, people around, family, you fellow bloggers and your lovely comments which inspires me, otherwise I won’t be here in 1st place, if my friend wouldn’t have introduced me here.
Initially it was tough to write as I was more comfortable to write over diary then over open space , blogging changed the way I think to be open-up enough to share what inside that’s outside, thereafter it was a smooth sailing till now.

4) We'd love to read some of your stuff Vivek. Please share your three favorite posts with us.
It’s a very tough call to choose three post as every post is special to me. Following three are my favorite post which has essence of my blog in totality (eeh sorry, rest of the posts).
1) Goodbye
2) With Love for All
3) The Ultimate Desire - A fantasy

Thank you Mehreen for choosing me as "Super Blogger of the Week".
P.S : My Interview was taken long back  i.e 2 months back, but I keep on forgetting to post it finally today I posted it.


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Lessons Learnt

Learning is a endless process which always keeps us ticking and in the process we do makes lots of mistakes and learn from them thereafter. Do you think we need to do something special to gaze them no we don't we all learn from ppl and other living creatures around us the only thing required is the undying hunger to learn. I'm sharing some of the lessons I learned from my pet.

1. Play the hand: Some of us are born into the lap of luxury; others are not. Some of us come Auto-programmed for joy, and some are less inclined toward it. Some of us are nurtured magnificently, and some are nearly ignored. Lucky was adopted when she was two. You might think she'd be sullen, unable to trust, or stuck with a bit of a chip on her canine shoulder. Not so. she was a happy little girl who seems to demonstrate that it's not what you've been given that counts-it's who you become and what you do with what you've got!

2. Be Your Self: When we adopted Lucky, we almost forgot to ask her name. The clerk rolled his eyes and said, "It's Softy, but we'd change it to Lucky, if I were you." We soon learned that this miniature white poodle was anything but Lucky. She's athletic, funny, social, and uninhibited. Possibly, she's not even a purebred poodle. The name Lucky suits her well and she sports a pony tail. No matter what others think you should be like, it's always best, to be your true self.

3. Master the basics , Eat, sleep, exercise, and connect: Lucky was never too busy to eat, too distracted to sleep, or too tired for a walk. Nor does she ever turn down an opportunity to connect. Her wagging-tail greetings, sloppy kisses, and ability to land smack in the middle of the nearest lap , escorting to the bed and sometime sleeping inside the quilt in winter are all powerful statements of just how basic the need to connect really is. And yet, in today's 24/7 world, it is often easy to forget that family and friends are actually nourishment, and a major contributor to a sense of well-being.

4. Explore : Ever curious, and smart as whip, Lucky always seems ready to explore new territory. she'll happily learn  new "tricks," check out new critters, climb  hills, or give new poses to get the attention. In life, the choice is ours: play it safe and embrace the status, or face the unknown and continue to grow. lucky would give thumps up to "Stretch."

5. Make each day great: Spontaneously, Lucky will tear through the house, barreling at a breakneck speed. Or she might unexpectedly drop her rubber football at my feet, signaling it's time for a game of fetch. When she comes in from a walk, she sits patiently, "asking" for her treat.
Do what you love, ask for what you want, and seize opportunities as they appear. Don't wait for joy to come to you; instead, seek it out every day.

P.S : It has been a long gap since I posted something over this very space , I missed it due to my engagement over a project out of town, which took most of my time , coming to hotel in evening in exhausted state ..sleep and music were two best pals to give company. Hope you all having a great time ..will be reading yours post shortly. Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments.I'm getting lazy this summer ..trying to get into rhythm.


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